Thursday, August 25, 2011

About Me.....

I have been a book lover since the day I learned my alphabet. As a child, I could be found sneaking a flashlight in my bed after bed time and reading far too late into the night. Unfortunately, I can still on many occasions still be found in bed with a flashlight reading into the wee hours of morning while "The Man" sleeps soundly beside me. I have two terrorists living with me, both of whom I gave birth to, and I adore them more than I've ever adored a thing. Life can sometimes swallow you up whole, and leave you feeling like you are nothing more than someone's mother, daughter, wife, sister, employee, and otherwise man servant to all those around you. Reading for me is my sweet escape. My "chocolate mousse cake" after my delicious health conscious dinner. It is where no one knows me, I am an innocent bystander of the world laid out in pages to be devoured.
Here is where I will post reviews, thoughts, rantings, ravings, and other musings of an otherwise unknown, suburban mother of 2. Enjoy. Please comment, as knowing there is life beyond my own is something very reassuring and delectable for me!
Oh! And chances are, if you're wondering about a book and would like an opinion, I've probably read it! Just leave a comment naming the book and I'll post a review!


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