Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bloodlines - Richelle Mead

Title: Bloodlines

Author: Richelle Mead

Release Date: August 2011

Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

Book #1 in a new series by the Bestselling Vampire Academy's author Richelle Mead. Some of the same characters take on the main role in this new twist in the human world.

Review: It took a solid 4 chapters for me to finally feel interested in the story. Sydney for me was a somewhat unrelatable character in which I found somewhat boring and predictable. Adrian plays a key role and fortunately brought some spice and entertainment in any page he appeared. Even the characters Jill and Eddie fell flat for me. Maybe I'm used to Richelle writing in Rose's quirky, sassy personality and it took some time getting used to Sydney's Alchemist personality. The book eventually picked up some speed though and I found myself guessing what would happen at every turn. The bad part about that? I was always right, which left the predicitablity something that I could have left behind. I will continue reading the series, if for no other reason than because Richelle Mead is still on my Top Author list. The last sentence in the book is probably the first sentence that makes you longing for more and wanting to see what happened next. Overall, I think the series has potential, but I hope to see an increase in action and ROMANCE in the next books!


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